Library of Our Work
Welcome to our online library, where our goal is to bring you a range of material that we have authored since we began our work in 2007.
As a first step, we have uploaded a selection of previous publications and projects, that reflect a range of work we have undertaken, particularly from our earlier years.
Over the next few weeks we will be bringing additional content to this library, including over 80 policy submissions we have prepared for state and commonwealth governments over the past decade.
Also over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a number of more recent publications, covering themes such as Communities of Practice, Planning, Peer Networks, eMarkets, risk and safeguards, and adapting to acquired disability.
We welcome your visits to our library, and do give us feedback on our work
Please help us to improve our work
Policy Submission: Draft lists of NDIS supports
Pre-Budget Submission: Ten priorities for the 2024-25 South Australian Budget
The 2024-25 State Budget comes at a critical time for the disability community after the release of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review final reports last year. Their recommendations present the Government with a significant opportunity to invest in policies to make decisive changes in how people living with disability experience life in our state...
Policy submission: Department of Social Services and the Commonwealth Disability Royal Commission Taskforce on the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability (DRC)
Pre-Budget Submission: Top priorities for the 2024-25 Federal Budget
Policy Submission: House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs on the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023

NDIS Review POinters
A collection of JFA Purple Orange papers published during the period of the NDIS Review.

Pre-Budget Submission: Top priorities for the 2023-24 South Australian Budget
The 2023-24 State Budget presents the South Australian Government with a significant opportunity to make a real difference in ensuring that South Australians living with disability get a fair go at what life has to offer. To assist in compiling the next Budget, we have identified a list of priority areas for state investment.

DEAA Needs Analysis
This Needs Analysis report looks into the use of digital assistive technology (DAT) by people living with physical or sensory disability in South Australia.

Guide to Co-Design with People Living with Disability
Co-design is a simple way of involving people in the community in decision making processes. There are many benefits to co-design and it can be used in a wide range of circumstances. The Purple Orange Co-design guide aims to introduce people and organisations to co-design and how to use co-design effectively in disability and other sectors.

Our Voice SA Needs Analysis Report
Our Voice SA is a peer-led self-advocacy organisation for adults living with intellectual disability. Our Voice SA has conducted a needs analysis to better understand the emerging priorities of South Australians living with intellectual disability. This report allows Our Voice SA to share these findings and make recommendations to key stakeholders.

Policy Submission: Guardianship Proceedings
This submission identifies how the draft Guidelines could be strengthened to ensure that people’s participation in guardianship and financial administration proceedings is encouraged, information is accessible, all necessary supports are available, and tribunal members and registry staff are well-trained and diverse in composition.

DRC Submission: Rights and attitudes
This submission was made to the Disability Royal Commission in 2020 in response to the Issues paper on rights and attitudes. It covers the attitudes towards people living with disability and knowledge on the rights of people who live with disability. Recommendations to improve attitudes and knowledge on rights of people with disability are included.

Disability Elders of All Ages Strategic Plan
Disability Elders of All Ages (DEAA) is a peer led organisation of people living with physical disability and sensory disability (PLWPSD) in South Australia.

Accessible Public Transport South Australia
We carried out an online survey to explore the views and experiences of public transport for South Australians living with disability.

Policy Submission: Supported Independent Living (SIL)
This Policy Submission was made to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme about Supported Independent Living (SIL) in September 2019.

Positive Outcomes of NDIS Participation
This paper has been written following a survey we conducted in 2018, inviting people to tell us about their experiences of being a participant of the NDIS.

Water Consumers Research Project Part 1 & 2
JFA Purple Orange was commissioned by the Department of Communities and Social Inclusion to consult people living with disability about their water and sewerage services.

Why Peer Support is Awesome
How Communities of Practice and Communities of Interest are helping people living with disability lead a good life

PO Risk Enablement Policy Position
JFA Purple Orange has published an updated version of our “NDIS Safeguards and Risk Enablement” policy position paper. Previously published in January, this version has had some minor tweaks to the original.

Communities of Practice and Communities of Interest
Communities of practice (CoP) and communities of interest (CoI) are ways of sharing, connecting and informing for people living with disability. This paper covers all aspects of CoPs and CoIs.

Policy Submission: NDIS services for people with psychosocial disabilities
This submission was made in 2017 In response to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme inquiry into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition

Policy Submission: Disability Inclusion Regulations 2019
This submission was made in 2018 to the South Australian Government Department of Human Services regarding draft Disability Inclusion Regulations 2019

Policy Submission: Renewed National Arts and Disability Strategy
This policy submission was made in 2018 to the Meeting of Cultural Ministers (MCM) about the development of a renewed National Arts and Disability Strategy for 2019

Policy Submission: Review of the Family Law System
This policy submission on the review of the family law system was made to the Australian Law Reform Commission

The Model Of Citizenhood Support
The Model is a framework for advancing people into good valued lives. It is based on the premise that each of us wishes to live a good life, and that a good life is built upon, and maintained through, four key areas of capacity and growth.

Word Up & Access Alert Self-Advocacy Campaigns
Word Up! targets unhelpful language people often use, especially in the media, that negatively influences the way society views and treats people living with disability. Access Alert brings awareness to anything that stops a person from being able to use an amenity that is available to the public.

JFY Videos
We supported Julia Farr Youth to undertake media training to create their own videos on issues important to them. Watch what they created here.

100 Leaders Project: Stories of Living
The 100 Leaders Project is an anthology of stories from people who are living good lives. Purple Orange is collecting these narratives to help grow understanding of ordinary valued lives, and providing a place (the 100 Leaders Project website) for these stories to be housed.

The Loop
The Loop was an annual conversation that moved through a number of South Australian communities, with a focus on a particular topic of interest each time. The Loop was established out of a concern that many people living with disability and their families were missing out on relevant conference events (typically held in main metropolitan areas).

JFY Peer Support Network
In 2016, Julia Farr Youth (JFY) started a peer support network for young adults living with disability aged 18 to 35. The purpose of the group is for young people to connect with each other, share information, and get involved in their local community.

The Tellus Survey
Tellus is the name of a research survey developed by JFA Purple Orange to gather information from people living with disability about their lives.

Perspective Art Exhibition
The Perspective Art Exhibition explored themes relevant to people living with disability, their families, personal networks and the wider community. The exhibition is a celebration of the work of artists living with disability as well as non-disabled artists.

Julia Farr Youth Mentoring
Julia Farr Youth Mentoring, an initiative of Julia Farr Youth, is a peer-to-peer support program for young people living with disability between the ages of 11 and 18 who are mentored by other young people between the ages of 18 and 30 years who also live with disability.

Policy Submission: Review of the Family Law System
JFA Purple Orange made this submission in 2018 to the Australian Law Reform Commission about a review of the Family Law System.

Policy Submission: SA Mental Health Services and NDIS
JFA Purple Orange made this Submission in 2018 to SA Social Development Committee inquiry about the provision of services for people with mental illness under the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Policy Submission: National Disability Agreement Review
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Productivity Commission in 2018.

Policy Submission: Stronger Outcomes For Families
JFA Purple Orange made this policy submission in 2018 to The Department of Social Services (DSS) about getting stronger outcomes for families.

Policy Submission: Supported School Transport and the NDIS
In this submission we are responding to the Supported School Transport and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Discussion Paper released by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS). In this submission we provide perspective on transport to and from school for students living with disability and deliver feedback on DSS’ proposal.

Policy Submission: NDIS Code of Conduct Discussion Paper
This policy submission was made in 2017 In response to the Department of Social Services National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - Code of Conduct Discussion Paper

Policy Submission: Inclusive and accessible communities
This policy submission was made in 2017 in response to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquiry: The delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communities.

Policy Submission: SA's Mental Health Strategic Plan
This policy submission was made in 2017 to the SA Mental Health Commission in relation to the South Australia’s Mental Health Strategic Plan

Policy Submission: NDIS Costs
This policy submission was made in 2017 to the Productivity Commission study into National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs.

Minimising and Eliminating Restrictive Practices
In 2017, JFA Purple Orange undertook a consultation for the ACT Government to assist in the establishment of an Office of the Senior Practitioner (OSP). This work involved hearing the views of people living with disability and their families around their experiences of restrictive practices. We also consulted with individuals working in the disability sector on their views around how to minimise and eliminate the use of restrictive practices.

The survival of people with disability organisations
This paper sets out the role and value of 'peak advocacy' organisations

Policy Submission: Access to the South Australian Education system for students with disabilities.
JFA Purple Orange submitted this policy paper to the South Australian Legislative Council Select Committee on Disability and Access to Education in 2015.

Policy Submission: Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social Services
JFA Purple Orange submitted this policy to the Senate Committee on Community Affairs in 2015.

Policy Submission: Levels of access and attainment for students living with disability in the school system and the impact on students and families associated with inadequate levels of support
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment in 2015.

Policy Submission: National Disability Employment Framework to boost employment rates for people with disability
JFA Purple Orange submitted this policy paper to the Disability Employment Taskforce in 2015.

Policy Submission: Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework
JFA Purple Orange submitted this paper to the Department of Social Services in 2015.

Policy Submissions: Violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs in 2015.

Policy Submission: The adequacy of existing residential care arrangements for young people with severe physical, mental or intellectual disabilities in Australia
JFA Purple Orange submitted this policy to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs in 2015.

Policy Submission: Social Development Committee Enquiry on Comorbidity
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Social Development Committee in 2014.

Policy Submisison: Proposal to trial life chances-based methodologies and measures in the NDIS
This proposal sets out a program of 7 strategic projects that together constitute a trial of NDIS methodologies and measures based on the advancement of a person’s life chances.

The Road to NDIS: Lessons from England about Assessment and Planning
This 2012 publication explores what the governments of Australia might learn about the English experience, to help ensure the NDIS gets the best possible start.

Independent Evaluation of of the Service Transformation to Consumer Directed Care project (2012)
Community Accommodation Respite Agency (Cara) and ACH Group received Home and Community Care (HACC) ‘Innovative Ideas’ Project funding in the HACC Funding Round 26 (2010-2011) to test the transformation of HACC-funded respite packages into individualised funding/consumer directed care funding packages. JFA Purple was contracted to run an Independent Evaluation of the project.

Policy Submission: National Policy Framework Working Group
JFA Purple Orange provided further comment on the proposed version of the draft National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS).

Policy Submission: Select Committee on Disability Access and Interaction with the Justice System
This submission is in response to a request for evidence by the South Australia Parliament Select Committee on Disability Access to and Interaction with the Criminal Justice System in South Australia.

Policy Submission: Some Considerations on the Implementation of Article 9 on Accessibility of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
JFA Purple Orange prepared this paper in response to an official call for papers by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Working Group, offering commentary on several questions posed by the Committee.

Being a Social Landlord
This 2012 research report looked at contemporary practice in the relationship between tenants living with disability and their landlords.

Policy Submission: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults in Services Operated or Funded by the Department of Families and Communities in South Australia
The purpose of this submission is to provide comment on the draft policy framework Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults in Services Operated or Funded by the Department for Families and Communities in South Australia.

Policy Submissions: Australian Government’s Draft Baseline Study for the National Human Rights Action Plan
This submission is in response to the Australian Government’s Draft Baseline study for the National Human Rights Action Plan.

Policy Submission: HCSCC Charter of Health and Community Services Rights
JFA Purple Orange provided further comment on the value of the Health and Community Services Charter of Rights under consideration in the South Australian Parliament during the week of June 6th 2011.

Policy Submission: Productivity Commission Draft Report – Disability Care and Support
JFA Purple Orange made this opportunity to make a second submission to the Productivity Commission regarding future arrangements for disability care and support.

Policy Submission: Review of Disability Standards for Education 2005
The Julia Farr Association made this submission to the Australian Government’s review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005

Policy Submission: The Higher Education Base Funding Review
The Julia Farr Association made this submission to the Australian Government, in particular to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in the context of the consultation process.

Policy Submission: Review of Funding for Schooling
The Julia Farr Association made this submission to the Australian Government, in particular to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in the context of the consultation process.

Policy Submission: Review of Disability Standards for Education - Parents Forum
The Julia Farr Association Parents Forum made this submission to the Australian Government on its Review of Disability Standards for Education.

Policy Submission: The Higher Education Base Fund Review - Julia Farr Youth
The Julia Farr Youth Group made this submission on the Discussion Paper ‘The Higher Education Base Funding Review’.

Policy Submission: Review of Funding for Schooling - Parents Forum
The Julia Farr Association Parents Forum made this submission to the Australian Government on its Review of Funding for Schooling to identify arrangements that will achieve a funding system which is transparent, fair, financially sustainable and effective in promoting excellent educational outcomes for all students living with disability.

Policy Submission: Strategic Infrastructure Plan for South Australia 2010 Community Consultation
The purpose of this submission is to highlight ways in which the Strategic Infrastructure Plan for South Australia can reflect the perspectives and experiences of people living with disability in the evolving design of the South Australian community.

Policy Submission: Planning Options and Services for People Ageing with Disability
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee's inquiry into planning options and services for people ageing with disability.

Policy Submission: Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010
The Julia Farr Association makes this submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010.

Policy Submission: Inclusion for People with Disability through Sustainable Employment
The Julia Farr Youth Group made this submission on the Discussion Paper ‘Inclusion for people with disability through sustainable employment'.

Policy Submission: Towards a National Carer Strategy
The Julia Farr Association Parents Forum submitted this response to the Australian Government’s Discussion Paper titled ‘Towards a National Carer Strategy.’

Policy Submission: National Carer Strategy
The Julia Farr Association makes this submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on the development of the National Carer Strategy.

Policy Submission: National Carer Strategy
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on the development of the National Carer Strategy.

Going to Your Local Gym
This 2010 brief paper was prepared in response to reported concerns about ease of access to community gyms.

Policy Submission: South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2010 Community Consultation
The purpose of our submission is to highlight ways in which South Australia’s Strategic Plan can further promote the active citizenhood of South Australians living with disability.

Policy Submission: Activating Citizenship
The Julia Farr Association ‘Parent’s Forum’ made this submission to the Social Inclusion Board on ‘Activating Citizenship’ addressing the need for innovative and accessible education for all students living with disability.

Policy Submission: Activating Citizenship
The Julia Farr Association ‘Parent’s Forum’ wishes to make a submission to the Social Inclusion Board on ‘Activating Citizenship’ addressing the need for innovative and accessible education for all students living with disability.

Policy Submission: South Australian Disability (Mandatory Reporting) Bill 2010
JFA Purple Orange submitted this comment to the South Australian Shadow Attorney-General, Stephen Wade, on the proposed Disability (Mandatory Reporting) Bill 2010 which is currently being considered by the South Australian Parliament.

Policy Submission: Inclusion for people with disability through sustainable supported employment
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs inquiry into inclusion for people living with disability through sustainable supported employment.

Policy Submission: Disability Care and Support
The Julia Farr Association makes this submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Disability Care and Support.
The experiences of people living with disability accessing primary healthcare.
In 2010 JFA Purple Orange published a research report on the experiences of people living with disability accessing primary healthcare. It outlined the current challenges and put forth considerations.

Policy Submission: Draft Health and Community Services Charter of Rights
JFA Purple Orange this submission to the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner on the Draft Health and Community Services Charter of Rights.

Policy Submission: Australia’s Initial Report under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department on Australia’s first report under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Policy Submission: Caring for Older Australians
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Caring for Older Australians.

Policy Submission: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Australian Social Inclusion Board in 2010.

Policy Submission: Select Committee on Matters Related to the General Election of 20 March 2010
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on Matters Related to the General Election of 20 March 2010.

Policy Submission: Revision of the National Standards for Disability Services
JFA Purple Orange submitted this review for the National Standards for Disability Services in June 2010.

Policy Submission: Australian Law Reform Commission Family Violence Inquiry
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Family Violence Inquiry.

Policy Submission: Planning options and services for people ageing with disability
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee’s inquiry into planning options and services for people ageing with disability.

Briefing: Family members causing harm to their loved ones living with disability
The purpose of this briefing paper is to help inform people about the issues that may be relevant to situations where family members harm, or consider causing harm to, a family member living with disability. Our hope is that this briefing can raise awareness and so help reduce such occurrences from happening in the future.

Policy Submission: Greater Fairness and Equity in the Taxation of Special Disability Trusts
The Julia Farr Association (JFA) wishes to make a submission to the Treasury on the ‘Greater fairness and equity in the taxation of Special Disability Trusts’.

Policy Submission: Harmonisation of Disability Parking Permit Schemes in Australia
JFA Purple Orange made this submission to Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on ‘Harmonisation of disability parking permit schemes’.

Policy Submission: The Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of People Living with Disability
This submission is in response to the Australian Government’s National Human Rights Consultation.

Policy Submission: World Wide Web Consortium Accessibility Consultation
JFA Purple Orange made this comment on the ‘World Wide Web Consortium Accessibility Consultation’ to the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group.

Policy Submission: Investment in Public Passenger Transport Infrastructure and Services
Purple Orange made this submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport

Policy Submission: National Disability Strategy for Australia
This submission is to inform the Australian Government about ways in which a NDS can ensure people living with disability are active citizens in the community and are supported in ways that meet their individual needs and circumstances.

Policy Submission: Development of the 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers
This paper provides access to the main points discussed in the review and development of the 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers

Policy Submission: Review of the Health and Community Services Complaints Act 2004
JFA Purple Orange submitted this Policy Paper in 2008 to SA Health through the Health and Community Services Complaints (HCSC) Act Review

Policy Submission: Inquiry into Better Support for Carers
JFA Purple Orange submitted this policy recommendation to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth, regarding the Inquiry into Better support for carers.

General Considerations on Implementation of Individualised Funding
Purple Orange's second publication in 2007, offering a framework for implementing individualised funding in Australia

Policy Submission: Disability Supported Accommodation Program
JFA Purple Orange made this joint policy submission with the Community Living Project in 2007 to the Disability Supported Accommodation Program about a Disability Support and Housing Assistance Program.