Policy Submission: Review of Disability Standards for Education 2005
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The Julia Farr Association made this submission to the Australian Government’s review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
The purpose of our submission is to highlight ways in which the Disability Standards for Education 2005 can be further strengthened to “ensure that students with disability are able to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students”.
Recommendation 1
Use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as the context for the Disability Standards for Education.
Recommendation 2
Consider and respond to the concerns, views and suggestions highlighted by students living with disability, families, and other key stakeholders resulting from the survey including the need to:
- Raise awareness about students living with an Autism Spectrum disorder and the additional supports they may require;
- Raise awareness about the rights of students living with disability;
- Assess the support needs of students living with disability on an individual basis.
Recommendation 3
Use terminology that is easy to read and understand.
Recommendation 4
Provide more information about what constitutes reasonable adjustment.
Recommendation 5
Introduce an independent body (with membership including people living with disability) to:
- Undertake audits of education providers to assess compliance with the Disability Standards for Education;
- Oversee decisions made about reasonable adjustment and unjustifiable hardship.
Recommendation 6
Provide training to students living with disability, families, education providers and other key stakeholders to raise awareness about the Disability Standards for Education.
Recommendation 7
Convert current suggested measures of compliance to more definitive and accountable key performance indicators to ensure compliance of education providers.