We are committed to sharing the stories not only of the work we do, but of the people who our organisation exists to serve.

A Moment Of Me

Purple Orange Podcast Series
This season, we’re sharing six stories from across the disability community, covering…

SKILL Podcast: Achieving your dream of learning to drive
In this special edition episode of the Purple Orange Podcast, SKILL Project Leader, Andrew…

We need to talk about loneliness
Research shows that loneliness is on the rise in society today. Why? What can we do about…

Podcast: 6 Key Tips for Good Engagement
In this episode you will hear 6 key tips for good engagement. These tips come from the…

International Women's Day 2022
This International Women's Day 2022 we are sharing stories of women living with disability…

How can we create inclusive communities?
The only way our communities will become truely inclusive of people living with…

Video: What does it mean to be the boss of your life?
Last month, Our Voice SA held their 2021 conference “Be the Boss”. It was fantastic to…

Your Stories: International Day of People with Disability 2021
This International Day of People with Disability, we asked people why it is important to…

What is an inclusive community?
When Trevor Harrison retired, he knew he needed to go out and find a new sense of…

Podcast: Evolution of Self-Understanding
Leanne's relationship with understanding herself as a disabled woman is a complex and…

Podcast: Claiming your right to risk [rerun]
Purple Orange is growing! We've hired so many great new staff recently, including Ellen…

Video: The Power of Peer
Skills, Confidence, Public Speaking, Moving out on your own, Friends - This are some of…

Podcast Rerun: The silver lining of lockdown
Here we are back in lockdown 14 months after the first COVID restrictions started. For…

Dig In
Purple Orange teamed up with North Brighton Community Garden to bring the concept of…

Peer Support and Finding Your Voice
Gavin Burner and Our Voice Chairman, Ian Cummins, talk about fair employment, the power of…

Podcast: Towards a better system
Two mothers of adult children who live with significant disability share their thoughts on…

Podcast: Natalie Wade, founder of Equality Lawyers (Episode 12)
We bring you an enlightening interview with Natalie Wade. She shares her thoughts on Ann…

Podcast: We Need To Talk
One year ago the death of Ann Marie Smith shocked us all. Policy makers, service…

Language Matters
Be a better ally to the disability community starting with language. The words you choose…

A Moment for Ann Marie
In April 2021, we dedicated all stories in our storytelling project, "A Moment of Me", to…

The Purple Orange Podcast: Nice, but not really
You would never go around slinging out disability slurs. The last thing you want is to…

Your Stories: International Day of People with Disabilities
We put a call out, asking people living with disability to tell us what this year's theme,…

The Elephant in the Interview
After graduating from her accounting degree, Daniella Biagi really struggled to get a job.…

Why does Drakes in Hallett Cove recruit people living with disability?
There are lots of reasons to consider hiring people living with disability, from…

Video: It was there all the time
After a terrible life-changing event, Rod Flight reconnects with a dormant passion, but…

Human Rights: What It Means to Me
Purple Orange talk to Our Voice members Gavin Burner and Libby Crawford on why it is…

Speaking Up: What It Means To Me
Our Voice SA members Libby Crawford and Gavin Burner talk about what self-advocacy and…

Covid-19: It feels odd to say this is the upside of this terrible, horrific thing that's happening.
Many people living with disability feel well equipped to handle the social upheaval caused…

Covid-19 Testing: “I was made to feel like I'm nothing.”
When Maria Cantanzariti, who lives with complex disability, needed to get a Covid-19 test,…

More than a man's best friend
We’ve all heard that dogs are man’s best friend. But for Mark, and many people all over…

Demystifying Diverse Communication
Don't let diverse ways of communicating prevent connection. There are always ways to…

Inclusive Education
If kids grow up studying and playing alongside kids who live with disability, then it's no…

Self Managed Supports
Self management gives the client more choice and control.

Men: Let's Talk About Connection
Everyone needs to feel connected, but a lot of men - disability or not - just aren’t…

Don't Fence Me In
Hannah shares her experience of Theatre

Water Consumers Research Project

Word Up and Access Alert
We, as a society, can and must do better.

Minimising and Eliminating Restrictive Practice

Y Connect's Headshot Day
Empowering women living with disability to achieve want they want

How Not To Be A Jerk
Watch, Learn and Share.

Acting is for Anyone
This video is part of Purple Orange's submission to the Meeting of Cultural Ministers…

Let's Talk About Employment

JFY Mentoring
Young people share their experiences having a mentor.

What Makes a Good Support Worker?
Maria shares her thoughts

All About Peer Support
It's a great feeling to connect with others who share your experiences.

Voice. Treaty. Truth. Working Together for a Shared Future.
We spoke with two First Nations People with lived experience of disability about what the…

The Roots of Purple Orange
This video tells the story of how JFA Purple Orange got its name.

Tell Us Survey
We decided to go and find out about people's experiences, and we called it the Tell Us…

The Model Of Citizenhood Support
The Model is a framework for advancing people into good valued lives.

We Need to Talk About Sex

Advocate and Activist: Colin Hiscoe (Reinforce)
There is an empty champagne bottle, proudly displayed as a trophy, in the office of…

Youth led program for more inclusive schools
School is an important time in all of our lives. It’s when we explore what we like to do,…

Peer Networks are Great!
A peer network is a group of people who come together as equals for a common goal.

Claiming your right to risk when you live with disability
When Ellen Fraser-Barbour was 19, she decided to travel on her own to India. Everyone told…

Let's Talk About Straws
We know something needs to be done about plastic waste, which is why campaigns to ban the…

Nick on Assistive Technology
Nick received funding for his i-Device through the Julia Farr Association.