Our Approach
We have a two pronged approach to creating change.
At a societal level
We seek to influence the way systems works so that people with disability are better supported and included. This includes disability support funding, and disability support systems, as well as education, employment, transport, housing and other systems integral to community life.
At an individual level
We seek to amplify the voices and build the capacity of people with disability so that they can take charge of their own lives, realise their potential and help us to influence systemic change that makes a real difference to their lives.
2024-27 Strategic Plan
Excerpt from the foreword of JFA Purple Orange Chair, Trish Spargo:
"At no time has the mission and work of JFA Purple Orange been more important. As we look forward with resolve, I am pleased to present our Strategic Plan for 2024-27 that will guide our work over the next three years to advance and defend a more inclusive Australia.
This plan has been shaped by extensive engagement with our disability communities, allies, peer networks, management, staff, and board. All have contributed considerable time in codesigning its content. I am immensely proud of our collaborative efforts, and everyone involved should rightfully feel ownership of our strategy and the future direction of our organisation.
Our peer networks including Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN), Our Voice SA, Disability Elders of All Ages (DEAA) and SKILL networks in Kangaroo Island and the Bhutanese community were crucial contributors, ensuring our strategy reflects the needs and aspirations of people with

Our Habits
In undertaking our work we exercise the following habits:
We promote innovative services and supports that can help move people living with disability into socially valued roles.
We seek to understand the things that improve or help people's life chances, and what this means in terms of policy and action. We do this through research and dialogue with people living with disability, their families and supporters.
We apply a common, clear set of principles to every aspect of our work, so that our efforts are coherent, credible and sustainable.
People’s voice is important, and the people best qualified to talk about the lived experience of disability are people living with disability. By speaking up, people take leadership in their own lives. We seek ways to support people to speak up, so that their views are more easily heard by the people who most need to listen. We call this process amplification.
Our Commitment to the Safety of Children and Young People
We are a Child Safe Organisation that respects and promotes children’s rights and implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding child abuse or misconduct toward a child. When children and young people interact with our agency, we proactively ensure that we provide safe environments where they are protected, valued, included, encouraged, and heard.
We have adopted and continue to monitor our compliance with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. To report a concern about child safety at our organisation, make an enquiry about our policies and procedures, or to provide feedback to us, please contact (08) 8373 8388 or admin@purpleorange.org.au.