Our Current Projects
We are involved in a diverse range of projects to amplify the voices of people living with disability.

Disability Elders of All Ages
DEAA aims to strengthen connections between people with physical and sensory disability. We have a peer network in Adelaide, regional workshops on technology and an online resource centre with information on technology use.
Tourism Local Navigator Pilot Project
An outcome of the Jobs and Skills Summit in September 2022, the Disability Employment Tourism Local Navigators Pilot will test new ways to provide employers with information and resources about employing people living with disability, as well as connect job seekers with disability to meaningful tourism jobs. Our aim is to support small and medium tourism businesses in recruiting, retaining and promoting employees living with disability.

Support Worker Quality and Community of Practice
We tackle issues raised by people who receive paid support and issues experienced by support workers. We do this through workshops and hosting a community of practice for support workers.

Disability Inclusion Training
The Disability Inclusion Training project provides the opportunity for people to increase knowledge and confidence in building inclusion in their personal and professional lives.

Road to Employment
The Road to Employment (R2E) program includes Raising the Bar School Workshops and mentoring program, the Aged Care Traineeship, Business Mentoring and Toolkit for Business.

My Home My Way
My Home My Way workshops and mentoring (Making ILO Real) is designed to support people living with intellectual or other complex disabilities to create a home to call their own.

Inclusive Neighbourhoods
Inclusive Neighbourhoods aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness among South Australians, by encouraging people to build and maintain relationships with their neighbours.

SKILL is a series of FREE workshops that aim to provide leadership development opportunities and build local peer networks and support groups for people living with disability, their family and allies.

Enabled Youth Disability Network
The Enabled Youth Disability Network (formerly Julia Farr Youth) is run by youths living with disability and aims to amplify the voices of youths living with disability in South Australia.

Our Voice SA
Our Voice SA is a group of people living with intellectual or learning disability who come together to learn about self-advocacy and decision making skills.

Inclusive School Communities
The Inclusive School Communities (ISC) project works with South Australian schools and ISC Mentors, who are young people living with disability, to build knowledge, skills and capacity to create inclusive school communities.