Toolkit for Business
Inclusive workplaces matter! This toolkit has been created to provide ready-made resources for businesses to use and share.
The resources help you learn more about what disability inclusive practices are and how to implement in your business or team.
The toolkit has five key topics:
- Understanding Disability – how attitudes disable, demystifying diverse communication needs, and inclusive language
- Inclusive Recruitment - quick employer guide to disability employment, elephant in the interview podcast, accessible on-boarding and more
- Inclusive Workplace – what does good look like, self-assessment of disability inclusion, making digital resources and meetings accessible
- Mental Health – supporting neurodiverse workforce, mental health first aid training and more
- Employment Stories – videos on flexible work, interview techniques, along with guidance on disability action plans and more
Some creative options for how to use these resources:
- Include in your induction plans for your recruitment staff
- Use the videos in your Diversity and Inclusion Training
- Build your own 'Lunch and Learn' sessions around a particular topic e.g., diverse communication styles or language matters
- Build awareness and capability of Business Leaders and Supervisors in Leadership Programs.
- Share with staff to help them understand more about disability.
Please click on the topics listed on the left of your page, to explore each topic.
The Toolkit is an initiative of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, CPA Australia and JFA Purple Orange. It is funded by the Department of Social Services under the Road to Employment project.' that is currently on the website on the page.

“Research shows that diverse perspectives drive better business outcomes, and that when people feel a sense of belonging at work, they are healthier and more engaged.”
Karyn Twaronite, EY Global Vice Chair – Diversity & Inclusiveness
Particular thanks is extended to representatives of BDO, Moore Australia, EY, PwC Australia, and the University of Adelaide for their contributions. To become involved, contact

Click here to visit the website for CPA Australia.

Click here to visit the website for Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.