Community input into the State response to the Disability Royal Commission
Following the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC), JFA Purple Orange has been asked by the Department of Human Services (DHS) to connect with the disability community of South Australia to learn what they consider to be most important in the State's response to the DRC.
The recommendations have been broken down into six key themes. If you want to share your perspective on what our state government should do in response to this significant report, please join us for the two-hour sessions detailed below. You are welcome to join as many as you like.
In the interest of being accessible to as many people as possible, the forums will be held online.
They will be facilitated and responses will be recorded by JFA Purple Orange Staff. DHS employees may attend.
Webinar topics and dates
Topic No. 1: Employment | Paper release date: Friday 1 December | Webinar date: 6 December
Topic No. 2: Education | Paper release date: Tuesday 5 December | Webinar date: 13 December
Topic No. 3: Health | Paper release date: Wednesday 10 January | Webinar date: 17 January
Topic No. 4: Housing | Paper release date: Wednesday 17 January | Webinar date: 24 January
Topic No. 5: Safeguarding | Paper release date: Wednesday 24 January | Webinar date: 31 January
Topic No. 6: Justice | Paper release date: Wednesday 31 January | Webinar date: 7 February
All webinars are held from 12.30pm - 2.30pm, Adelaide time (ACDT / ACST). Dates and times are subject to change.