Media Releases

Death of Port Augusta woman highlights gaps in disability safeguards
31 October, 2024

Governments’ Disability Royal Commission responses don’t carry the decisiveness and urgency the disability community deserves
2 August, 2024

Housing construction peaks must step up and show leadership on NCC 2022 to help end the housing crisis for all South Australians
25 June, 2024
With four months remaining until the implementation of the National Construction Code 2022 (NCC 2022) in South Australia, the disability, housing, and ageing communities are calling on the housing construction peak bodies, the Master Builders Association SA (MBASA) and the Housing Industry Association (HIA), to show genuine leadership in supporting the roll out for the benefit of the whole community.

New housing ‘super’ portfolio opens door to increase focus on accessibility
30 April, 2024
Disability advocacy agency JFA Purple Orange has welcomed the elevation of the State Government’s response to the housing crisis after the recent Cabinet reshuffle, but called on housing ‘super’ Minister Nick Champion to match the symbolism with a clear commitment to building inclusive and accessible neighbourhoods across South Australia...

“I had to work through my own assumptions that children with disabilities went to segregated schools”: Mum tells new podcast why she chose not to send her son to a ‘special’ school
12 April, 2024
In an interview for the Purple Orange Podcast released on Friday 5 April, mum Michaela Banks shares how she had to challenge her own thinking when it came to choosing a primary school for her son, Harry, now 13...

Would you accept a minimum wage of less than $3 per hour?
12 January, 2024
Supported disability employment enterprises are legally entitled to pay people living with disability as low as $2.90 per hour, and unfortunately, the newly-released Commonwealth, State and Territory Supported Employment Plan does not include a commitment to increase this wage...
States must fulfil longstanding responsibility to fund ‘foundational’ disability supports
7 December, 2023
JFA Purple Orange has today endorsed the recommendation of the NDIS Review Final Report to take a more wholistic approach to supports and services across all levels of government to build a more inclusive and fairer Australia for people living with disability.
New Access Taxi Card won’t fix systemic reliability issues
14 November, 2023
The new Access Taxi Card announced by Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis on Sunday will not fix the systemic issues with the access taxi industry, according to disability advocacy organisation JFA Purple Orange.
Commissioners Galbally, McEwin, and Bennett are right to recommend end to disability segregation and discrimination
29 September, 2023
JFA Purple Orange has today endorsed the recommendations of three commissioners of the Disability Royal Commission to phase out and end the segregation of people living with disability in Australia. Although there is consensus that the status quo is not good enough, commissioners are split on whether settings that separate and congregate people living with disability from non-disabled Australians should continue or be phased out.
Australia must discontinue segregation of people living with disability
15 September, 2023
As the curtain closes on the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, we anxiously await its final report with the expectation it strongly recommends that Australia actively discontinues segregated settings.

State Budget is crunch time for disability advocacy funding in SA
1 June, 2023
As Treasurer Stephen Mullighan prepares his second State Budget, the South Australian disability community is awaiting news on the future of funding for independent disability advocacy services. As Robbi Williams asks, can South Australia afford not to adequately fund such a vital safeguarding support?

NCC implementation will make new homes more accessible for all South Australians
28 March, 2023
South Australia’s disability and ageing communities have applauded the State Government’s decision to implement the new National Construction Code 2022 (NCC 2022) Livable Housing Design Standard for all new residential builds by October 2024.
Short- and long-term options for access to disability housing
3 March, 2023
Address by Robbi Williams, CEO, JFA Purple Orange, to the Believe Housing Australia Disability Housing Roundtable, Adelaide, Tuesday, 28 February 2023

EYDN bring youth digital storytelling and disability advocacy workshop to Mt Gambier
6 September, 2022
The Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN) are bringing the first digital storytelling and advocacy workshop, designed by and for young people living with disability, to Mt Gambier on October 4.

Local Spanish speaking communities celebrate people with disability at Refugee Week event
28 June, 2022
About 60 members of the Spanish speaking communities in Adelaide came together to celebrate the achievements of people living with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds at a Refugee Week event on Friday, 24 June 2022.

Local Bhutanese community celebrates people with disability at Refugee Week event
28 June, 2022
About 80 members of the Bhutanese community in Adelaide came together to celebrate the achievements of people living with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds at a Refugee Week event on Saturday, 25 June 2022.

Purple Orange set to celebrate CALD communities living with a disability during Refugee Week
21 June, 2022
JFA Purple Orange, in partnership with the Hispanic Women's Association of South Australia (HWASA) and Bhutanese Australian Association of South Australia (BAASA) (Nepali speaking) community, are hosting Refugee Week celebrations to recognise the achievements of people living with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Are workers living with disability part of Australia's employment success story?
16 May, 2022
Despite commitments from all levels of government to improve employment outcomes for Australians living with disability, there is still no regular measurement of their labour force participation.

Targeted action plan needed to address violence against women living with disability
11 May, 2022
We are calling on the next Federal Government to prioritise a targeted action plan to address violence against women and girls living with disability.

The Great Australian Rip-Off
13 April, 2022
The Disability Royal Commission yesterday heard that South Australian disability support agency Bedford Group, which boasts it is the second largest employer of people living with disability in Australia, pays some of its employees less than $3 per hour.

Ann Marie Smith trial conclusion must herald more fundamental changes in disability support and how neglect is understood
18 March, 2022
Rosa Maione, a person whose actions led to the death of Anne Marie Smith, has been sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for manslaughter. She is eligible for parole towards the end of her term, at which time she may be deported to Italy. The sentence seems inadequate, given the extent of publicly reported neglect revealed through legal proceedings, and we hope the prosecutor gives consideration to grounds for appealing the length of the sentence.

Parties respond to key election issues impacting South Australians living with disability
10 March, 2022
We have launched a webpage today to inform voters in the South Australian election about some of the key issues that are important to the disability community in our state. We are calling on all parties and candidates to take the opportunity of a state election campaign to make genuine commitments to South Australians living with disability and their families through long-overdue policy changes and meaningful investments in services.

Urgent need to invest in disability advocacy services across South Australia
2 March, 2022
In the lead up to the state election, JFA Purple Orange is calling on the next South Australian government to urgently invest in vital independent advocacy services to protect the rights and wellbeing of South Australians living with disability.
South Australia running late on accessible taxi overhaul
23 February, 2022
Currently there are 101 access taxi licences in South Australia, an increase of just one in the last ten years, despite long wait times and a significant number of accessible bookings being declined by operators each year.

Call to end neglect and abuse of people living with disability in the SA Healthcare
17 February, 2022
On 14 February 2022, the findings of an investigation into the failings of a state-run government facility to adequately provide basic care to a man living with an intellectual disability was publicly released.
Lost opportunity to boost accessible housing in SA?
2 December, 2021
Most houses and apartments in South Australia do not have basic accessibility features and there are currently no requirements in place for new builds. This severely reduces the availability of housing options for people living with disability in our state.

Launch of innovative aged care traineeship for people living with disability
26 October, 2021
JFA Purple Orange, in collaboration with five aged care and two disability employment providers and South Australian education provider, EQUALS International, have launched an innovative model to offer traineeships for people living with disability.

Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN) launches first South Australian Student Diversity Advisory Council
22 September, 2021
Working in partnership with the South Australian Department for Education, the Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN) has established the first Student Diversity Advisory Council in South Australia.