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Noske Christmas Fund FAQs

1. Who is eligible for a grant?

To be eligible for our Noske Christmas Fund grants you must:

  • Live with any of the following:
    • An acquired brain injury
    • A degenerative neurological condition
    • A physical disability which meets the grant eligibility criteria*
  • Be on low income (disability support pension or equivalent)
  • Live in South Australia


*Why do only certain types of physical disability meet the eligibility criteria?

The funds for all of the Julia Farr Trust Fund programs were originally connected to Julia Farr Services. This means, the grants are limited to supporting the types of disabilities experienced by the former residents of Julia Farr Services. JFA Purple Orange is legally required to ensure grants are distributed to individuals who live with a physical disability that meets the eligibility criteria.

The nature of eligible physical disabilities is limited to:

  • A physical disability that impacts your mobility so that you have day-to-day support needs, for example for personal care, mobility aids (such as a wheelchair) or supports or assistive technology in your home. This will be a lifelong physical disability either from birth, early childhood or resulting from an accident or certain types of illnesses. 

Because of the restrictions on the use of the funds, the following disabilities are not eligible: disability caused by chronic health conditions, age-related conditions, intellectual disability, mental illness or autism.


2. What do you fund?

Our Noske Christmas Fund grants support you to cover some of your Christmas expenses. This can include:

  • Christmas gifts for loved ones
  • Food for Christmas celebrations
  • Travel costs linked to Christmas
  • Clothing linked to Christmas 


3. What don't you fund?

We do not fund costs that are not linked to Christmas celebrations. 

We do not fund alcohol or other drugs.


4. What happens if the cost of the item I want to purchase is more than $150?

If the item you want to purchase costs more than the maximum value of the grant of $150, you will need to pay the difference yourself, or secure the extra money from elsewhere. 


5. Can I apply for more than one grant?

You can apply for more than one grant, but we will only award one grant per person, per year. If you apply for more than one grant at a time, we will only consider one application. 


6. I've received a grant from you before, can I apply again?

Yes – but please don’t assume that you will receive a grant just because we have given you a grant before. If we receive more applications than we can support we will not be able to fund all eligible applications.  


7. How are decisions on grant applications made?

Our team will review your application to make sure it is complete, you are eligible for funding and your request is for costs related to Christmas that we can fund under this program. 

If we have more eligible applications than we can fund, we will select successful applications through a lottery. 


8. When will I hear the outcome of my application?

Applications close at the end of September. Grant applicants are contacted by the end of November to be advised if they have been successful or not. 


9. How is the grant paid?

We ask you to provide bank details in your application form. If you are awarded a grant, we will pay the grant direct into your bank account. 

If your finances are managed by the Public Trustee or by Equity Trustees, please provide these details on your application. If you are successful, we will make the grant payment to the Trustee account.


10. My bank details have changed since I applied for funding. What should I do?

Please contact us as soon as possible and give us your new bank details. You can contact us at or by calling our office on (08) 8373 8388. 


11. I haven't submitted my application by the deadline. What should I do?

We try to be flexible, but we cannot promise that we will be able to consider late applications. 

Please contact us at or by calling our office on (08) 8373 8388. We will let you know whether we are able to consider a late application. This will depend on how late your application is and whether we have already received more applications than we can support. 


If you have any questions that we haven't answered here, please email us at or call us on (08)8373 8388.


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