New Access Taxi Card won’t fix systemic reliability issues

New Access Taxi Card won’t fix systemic reliability issues
The new Access Taxi Card announced by Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis on Sunday will not fix the systemic issues with the access taxi industry, according to disability advocacy organisation JFA Purple Orange.
The card, which will extend the lifting fee Access Taxi drivers are paid to pick up customers using mobility aids to more people, will be in place from 1 December on a trial basis while the review into passenger transport continues.
A glaring omission in this announcement is the lack of engagement with the disability community, according to JFA Purple Orange’s Belle Owen.
“Reform is urgent, but needs to deliver effective outcomes for everyone, especially Access Taxi users, not just operators and drivers,” Ms Owen said.
“The bottom line is that we need more access taxis on the road to service the disability community. Wait times of in excess of two hours are absolutely unacceptable, and this won’t be fixed by handing out Access Taxi Cards.”
Belle Owen, who is an Access Taxi user in Adelaide, is available and keen to participate in interviews and discussions about the problems and how these can be solved.
To arrange an interview or for further information , please contact Marissa Brown, Leader, Marketing and Communications, Julia Farr group, on +61 8 8373 8380 or email