Creating Change Together
We are a social profit organisation on a mission to create a world where people who live with disability have a fair go at what life has to offer.
The Language Guide developed by JFA Purple Orange is based on feedback from the South Australian disability community and our network, offering practical advice on respectful and inclusive language when discussing disability.
With four months remaining until the implementation of the National Construction Code 2022 (NCC 2022) in South Australia, the disability, housing, and ageing communities are calling on the housing construction peak bodies, the Master Builders Association SA (MBASA) and the Housing Industry Association (HIA), to show genuine leadership in supporting the roll out for the benefit of the whole community.
Disability advocacy agency JFA Purple Orange has welcomed the elevation of the State Government’s response to the housing crisis after the recent Cabinet reshuffle, but called on housing ‘super’ Minister Nick Champion to match the symbolism with a clear commitment to building inclusive and accessible neighbourhoods across South Australia...
Discovering Joseph Campbell's life's story-structure: "The Hero's Journey" has been an absolute godsend for me!
That's because, I could see how it related to my life's story and would give me insights as a person with disabilities, from the “Journey’s" four parts:
(1) "The Everyday World" (2) "Departure & Separation" (3) "Initiation" and (4) "Return".
I came across the universal story-structure while doing my autobiographical PhD. My study was called "The wounded artist's learning journey to wellbeing after brain surgery." Sadly, after twelve years (and 90,000 words later), I had to give it up ~ researching while living with disabilities had proven too difficult for me!
At the time, I remember telling myself "it's OK, it doesn't mean you don't have the intellect or determination to finish. There'll be another way.
So, I reimagined my future and reset my life's compass. My focus became the exhibition of the art I'd created after my life's turning point (the brain surgery).
The exhibition was to be the way I'd share the strategies that'd helped me overcome adversity, improve my skills, build self-confidence, increase awareness and had been transformative! Transformation, hmmm, that's a key word...isn’t it?
Called "Life's Journey", my first two exhibitions have been in Adelaide, South Australia. More are planned for Adelaide venues in 2025- I'd love to see you there!!
And in the future, it'd be amazing to exhibit my art, as well, in a virtual gallery space!
26 March
Are you wanting to learn how to be more inclusive and accessible in the work you do in the community?
Do you work in any roles across South Australian Community Organisations in any of the below sectors?
- Sporting and recreational clubs
- Arts and cultural programs/organisations
- Community health and wellbeing
- Informal networks
- Emergency services
- Any other community organisation in SA
If you do, this session is for you!
Our Disability Inclusion Training is designed to give participants the knowledge and confidence to incorporate inclusive practices both personally and professionally. Whether you have minimal prior knowledge or considerable experience in the sector, this training offers a fresh perspective and a judgment-free learning environment.
15 April
Join Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN) for an afternoon of crafting and connecting as a disability community.
You can bring a long a project you are working on or try a craft EYDN has brought along.
No messy or wet crafts (eg, painting, wet clay)
This is open to the general public to come along to Diverse City, EYDN will be there to support young people with disability.
For young people living with disability aged 16-35 years old.
You do not need to be an NDIS participant.
You do not need to be diagnosed.