JFA Purple Orange Achievements
This infographic shows some of the important work that JFA Purple Orange completed between July 2019-June 2019
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Image is an infographic with the following information:
Grew social media following by 35%.
Launched the new logo and website - purpleorange.org.au.
Shared 36 Moments of Me, each seen by up to 4500 people.
Produced 19 media clips covering stories from employment to straws.
Inclusive Education Projects
Engaged five schools in the Inclusive School Communities project, supporting them in capacity building, policy and accessibility.
More than 95% of students who participated in the Peer Leader and Aspirations Program saw themselves as studying a VET course, apprenticeship or at university.
Reported the stories and experiences of 94 NDIS participants and used these to design and promote stronger NDIS policy and practice.
Ran the government consultation for a proposed National Disability Data Asset, with 45 people living with disability and family members participating.
Heard from 30 people who live with disability and their families about high water usage as a result of disability for the SACOSS Water Project.
Ran the government consultation for SA’s first State Disability Inclusion Plan, involving 384 participants from across the state.
Capacity Building
Ran events and workshops on a range of topics including the NDIS, employment and peer support with 492 people attending.
Peer Support
Facilitated 59 meetings attended by 97 people across three peer networks for people living with disability, with the Our Voice SA network doubling the number of people involved.
The Peer Connect website now holds more than 200 resources.
Held the first Our Lives Our Say conference for and by people living with disability.
11 policy submissions to a wide variety of organisations and government offices including the SA Government, the Australian Government and the NDIA.
- School Transport & NDIS
- Stronger Outcomes for Families
- National Disability Agreement Review
- Mental Illness & NDIS
- Family Law System Review
- National Arts & Disability Strategy
- Disability Inclusion Regulations
- Participation in Guardianship Proceedings
- NDIS Thin Markets
- Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals
- Royal Commission Draft Terms
Annual Survey
73% of respondents to our annual survey indicated that their involvement with us over the past year had helped them take action to improve the opportunities in life for themselves or other people living with disability.
“Building my confidence and knowing how to get around e.g. knowing how to catch a bus.”
“Had help with writing letters to politicians so they understand issues. They have responded to letters. They are listening to us.”
If you would like to learn more about any of these achievemets, please contact us at admin@purpleorange.org.au
If you are having trouble accessing this content, please contact us ay aprild@purpleorange.org.au