Share Your Story
Purple Orange is coordinating the 100 Leaders Project with the support of the In Control Australia network.
The Project seeks to collect and publish the stories of 100 Leaders from across Australia.
The 100 Leaders Project is not about being a hero, or being the best at something.
It is about people living with disability who have taken control of their own life, who have a vision of what is possible, and who are taking personal action to build the life they want to live.
If you are living the life you chose, we would like to hear from you, and talk with you about how you can share your story with others. Family members are also invited to assist loved ones to tell their story.
Leaders are able to tell their story in the way that best suits them. This may be the written word, through pictures, video or audio presentation, or a recorded interview. Other ideas around forms of storytelling are welcomed.
Participation in the Project is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time, for any reason. All information will be treated in confidence or as directed by the participant.
If you are interested in more information about the 100 Leader Project, or wish to become involved, please contact JFA Purple Orange on (08) 8373 8333 or freecall 1300 857 327.