The stories of 100 Leaders
The 100 Leaders Project is not about being a hero, or being the best at something.
It is about people living with disability who have taken control of their own life, who have a vision of what is possible, and who are taking personal action to build the life they want to live.
The current conversations about a national disability insurance scheme and self-directed funding will benefit from real stories of how people can be assisted into lives of personal authority and active citizenhood, and assisted to build capacity in their own lives and in their communities.
Purple Orange is collecting these narratives to help grow understanding of ordinary valued lives.
Our participants have stories to tell, for example, about taking control of their funding, finding the job that satisfies them, strengthening their communities, living independently in their own homes, and hanging out with mates.
Purple Orange invites you to meet our Leaders and be inspired by their journeys.